The ethics of metropolitan growth: the future of our built environment

Title: The ethics of metropolitan growth: the future of our built environment
Format: Book
Publication Date: 2010
Publisher Continuum
Description: The Ethics of Metropolitan Growth is about the decisions people make that shape the built environment, from the everyday concerns of homeowners and commuters to grand gestures of national policy. Decisions about the built environment have taken on a particular urgency in recent months. The financial crisis that began in the home mortgage system, the instability of fuel prices, and long-term projections of oil depletion and climate change are now intertwined with more conventional concerns about metropolitan growth, such as traffic flow and air quality. Now, it would seem, is an excellent time for clear thinking about what the built environment can and should become in the future.
Citation: 1st edition Ed. 192pgs. Continuum.
Related Departments:
  • School of Public Policy